Ncert solutions class-10:

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 Motivation videos:

I am very um excited about explaining this thing because this is certainly a hack or maybe a trick which i am uh willing to share with you guys okay so we are going to start in a short while actually let's quickly start with this thing but uh before that let everyone join this channel with everyone um uh look at this video actually okay so let's wait for them let's wait for everyone hello yeah okay so i'll just uh meanwhile share a slide so that we can just look at what's today's topic so prepare for your board exam this is a very important topic which we are going to look at okay so are   i have scored uh 91.2 in my 10th grade okay and uh that's not actually a nice percentage according to me because if you have proper guidelines or if you follow all these tricks or maybe all these tips it will definitely help you to scope better than me okay so that's actually a very important thing which you should understand okay so hello guys yeah don't worry about your boats guys it's going to be awesome it's a great year.

I'll just tell you because of this whole covet 19 scene okay so because we are in this kovid 19 situation we should have our tips and tricks updated like if you follow all the previous your videos they will tell you how to follow or how to work according to the uh before covet 19 situation so in this video we will make you understand or try to discuss certain points which will be helpful okay so let's quickly start with our today's topic how to prepare for your board exams okay uh there are many things actually there are many many situations which we are going to discuss in this topic i won't take much of your time.

 But let's uh Hindi, English okay uh let's let's quickly start okay so first thing first thing is about you should know what is your syllabus okay guys this these points are actually very very important please write it down please write it down or please mark this video as important or like on this video so that you can follow these tips of course this is not a necessary to follow uh guidelines but if you follow these guidelines it will help you okay so first of all what is your syllabus you should be updated with your syllabus okay because because of the covid 19 situation your syllabus is being reduced there are a lot of deleted portions in your syllabus so please go through your syllabus properly and study whatever is given to you don't study extra of course you can study extra for your knowledge if you're preparing for exams be updated guys okay study whatever given in your syllabus don't study extra okay.

 About Class 10 syllabus weight-age

This was the first point which you should remember okay so this was the first point what is the second point study according to the weight-age okay you will find out what is the weight-age of each and every chapter it's given to you can just find it on the net maybe go to the official website you will find whatever is the weight-age allotted to you or you can find some videos in the lecture they will surely give you what are the weight-age for each and every chapter okay so weight-age study according to the weight-age there's a line actually that 30 to uh 40 percent that is a 70 of the paper is actually of 30 to 20 of the portion this is actually a very very important line which you should understand that 70 percent of the paper is actually about 20 to 30 portion 20 to 30 percent portion that means there will be certain chapters which will have high weight-age okay so study that chapters particularly study that chapters very well okay so the next thing is increase yourself uh duration of self study okay increase the duration of self study if you're studying for two hours now if you're studying for two hours please try to study for more hours like if you can study for four hours like of course keep on taking break in between but do study properly okay please do study properly because that is actually very important there's no alternative for studying okay you will have to study but if you follow these additional add-ons like keep keep your syllabus proper uh just know what the weight-age of the chapters are increase yourself uh study time and there are many many hacks which are coming of course you will have to study but these all tricks will help you score better okay so let's let's let's look let's move to the next point okay so this is actually a very important point be consistent do not procrastinate okay guys be consistent do not procrastinate of course who doesn't like to procrastinate.

How to study for board exam

I'm not telling you to don't procrastinate at all of course but set your priorities you should know what is your priority your priority is to score in your board exam okay you can procrastinate on other things like um if you're feeling lazy for something else don't do it but don't skip your studying okay do not procrastinate your studies be consistent make a plan follow it there are many many plans given by there are many many plans given by let's do or there are many timetables given by let's do you can follow them or you can make your own timetable actually and follow them but be consistent okay be consistent do not procrastinate these are very very uh um important keywords which you should follow in your life also okay so do not procrastinate what's the next thing study each and every chapter or each and every subject actually so uh there will be many kids or every kid has their personal favorite chapters like i personally love math and science so these are the two chapters which are my personal favorite and uh there are other chapters like history uh geography that's uh social studies or maybe you can say languages i i don't like that subjects of course but um you are not supposed to skip those subjects or only particularly study about science and math you are supposed to study all the chapters or maybe all the subjects okay give even to each and every subject do your theories properly guys give equal time to your writing skill writing skills that is very very important okay so yeah there are various languages uh for your board actually so you should be consistent in studying them are the important parts.

Important key points for class 10

So while studying while reading the textbook you will find certain points are very very important please mark those points highlight those points those points can be asked in your exams okay those are the questions can be potential questions which can be asked in your ques uh in your papers actually and if you have gone through uh the um exam um question paper there are sample question paper released by the boards you can just go through that sample question paper and you will get to know what is the pattern they are following or what kind of questions are supposed to come okay so this is actually a very important thing while you're reading please mark the important points okay so this is actually very important and the next thing is math every day okay guys math is supposed to be every day now a very important thing which i'll suggest you this is actually very important please listen for math do try to explain the concepts of math to your siblings or maybe to your friends while you teach others you learn more and in a better way this is actually very important please ah note this down or try to follow it this can really help you if you're studying math please try to explain it to others or maybe to your sibling or maybe to your cousin or maybe to your parents it will really help you to understand the concept properly okay so this is actually very important device revise all the syllabus properly so if you are reading each and every chapter each and every uh if you are reading a new chapter every day if you're reading a new chapter every day please make sure you revise them properly because at the end of the um uh your or maybe at the end of the month when exams are near you can't sit and revise all the chapters all together you can't be like i had studied it uh two months ago so i should remember it it's not like that you should revise all the chapters uh thoroughly and give a very good amount of time for revision revision as is actually very very important so if you have any doubt you can just post it in the chat box I'm reading the chat box also simultaneously so it's uh actually um it's taking time for me to react to them okay so if you have any questions you can post it in the chat box.

 I'm going to answer that questions also but let me just cover these questions first okay so and uh try needing early in the morning and this is actually a very important um uh point so let me just uh show it in this way try reading early in the morning so if you're doing math so try to understand this all the theory subjects like biology or maybe um social studies these are certain theory topics which you should read them in early in the morning there are certain topics like physics chemistry math these are certain topics which you can do after your school um studies like after you're done with your school or e you can just go through all the um logical sub subjects these are logical subjects like math requires logic physics will require logic chemistry at an extent will require logic but of course chemistry also requires a lot of practice so there will be a lot of um equations chemical equations so to write them try practicing writing them because it will definitely help you there's no alternative for um the equations you can't memorize the equations you will have to write the chemical equation so please keep in mind uh write the chemical equations properly okay so there's a question uh what should we do should we study late at night or early in the morning that totally depends on you.

 How kind of a person you are like are you a early morning reader or maybe a light night person like a late night person that really depends on your sleep pattern actually but for me i i prefer uh studying early in the morning because that keeps your mind fresh and that helps you uh to concentrate better for your exams or reading whatever you're reading you can grasp everything properly okay so early in the morning that's a bias uh uh um there's a bias um point from my side but you can definitely study late at night but the point is you should study okay there are various other points which are coming keep keep watching okay so uh there is one more point actually this is actually a very important point which kids have forget forgotten in this covid in the covid 19 situation kids have forgotten to talk to their parents actually to be happy.

 I'll say like if you are happy if you are happy your concentration power increases okay if you are happy your concentration power increases you if you have low anxiety your concentration power increases okay if your concentration power increases you can concentrate better you will have a better focus you can understand and uh grasp everything very very fast so there are certain points which I'm going to state in this uh presentation please try to follow them like the first thing is talk to your parents like if you're feeling nervous if you're not feeling like studying if you're not feeling like doing anything please try to talk to your parents because that will really really help you this also music actually so this i used to follow i used to um listen to music while studying  or maybe idioms that's not the music you're supposed to hear you can listen to the relaxing music or the meditation music uh which are easily available on the YouTube you can just go and search it on the YouTube like there's one thing uh which i used to follow that's the uh sea wave uh relaxing uh music that was actually very helpful for me like the sea waves are actually actually used to calm me down like if i uh used to get anxious a lot i used to listen to that no lyrics of course no lyrics don't concentrate on the lyrics of course guys while you're listening to the music don't concentrate on the lyrics concentrate on the music that will really help you you can try this thing which music so uh you can try the um various uh relaxing So that will actually help you okay so  talk to your parents you can listen to music uh try taking a day off actually um there was a point where.

I said that you should study every day but don't study every day okay don't study every day try taking a day offs like you can take Sunday as a day off don't study on Sunday try watching uh talking to your parents  try spending time with them  try watching movies like try to relax guys the more you're relaxed the better your concentration power okay the better you will be able to concentrate this is actually very important if you are relaxed if you are happy if your um focus your concentration power will increase you will see the changes in seconds actually you will actually try to get it that you can read the chapter.

 If you're reading chapter you'll get the chapter very quickly you'll try to understand the chapter very quickly so these are certain things concentration is the key guys next thing is keep your table clean don't keep phones around you okay so this is actually a very important thing which every parent says that don't keep your phone around you keep your tables clean okay what do I mean by keep your table clean okay so if you have a study table keep all the books suppose if you are studying math keep all the books for math which you require all the textbooks or maybe uh the guidebooks whichever you require keep the news.

 Keep the books with uh on your table keep the fully arranged have your pencils uh um get your erasers uh pens everything kept keep them on the table don't keep a mess on your table like don't keep papers uh or maybe a lot of papers on your table that that looks shabby actually and that will actually disturb you i feel that so keep your tables clean try avoiding keeping phones on your table study table because there uh you will get distracted actually so uh that can actually distract you so please guys don't keep your phone around you actually if you're um using a lot of uh if you're using phone for a lot of time if you're um scared that if you're using your phone for a lot of time.

 You can have certain apps in your phone which keeps it track which keeps a track that uh what is the amount of time for what amount of time you're using a certain app so suppose if you're scrolling on Instagram for a lot of time okay so you can have a app in your la in your phone to keep a track that what is the amount of time you're uh looking at the Instagram feeds or maybe uh anything related to that so after that you can just go through that app and check how much time you're actually wasting okay so kids actually complain that we don't have time we don't have time you will get to know.

 How much amount of time you actually waste so please guys do concentrate on your studies of course I’m not saying that don't spend time on your phones you can of course spend time on your phone try to relax your mind listen to music okay these are certain tricks you should follow don't waste your time okay time is actually very precious and uh follow the logic actually so keep concentrating on the logic part so if you're solving math actually uh don't say I’m solving uh a particular sum for these many amount of time okay try to understand the logic.

If you understand the logic you will remember the sum essay okay so understand the logic is very important if you don't get the logic try to understand the logic try to find more videos on legit you will definitely find our videos on let's do language subject tips of course there are tips on languages also you should keep practicing your writing skills writing skills are actually very important in your paper okay because that carries a lot of marks and that consumes a lot of time writing skills you should practice writing skills okay so uh solve previous your question paper okay so this is actually very important you should solve your previous year's question paper but  of course you won't find any previous year matching question paper. because a lot of portion is actually being reduced so what you can do is uh let's do it is actually  making available a certain paper said sample paper sets for you can just go through the website we have a website that is there you can find  some papers sample papers which you can solve uh of course there will be a solution for that papers also you can go through them you can try to understand the pattern given in the question papers and related to that pattern  mostly that will come in your exams that type of similar pattern will follow okay.

 I’m saying about the pattern of course there will be certain questions which can definitely come in your exams these are certain questions which can definitely come in your exam so if you are aiming to score better in your exams try to solve more paper try to solve more specific papers okay that will really help you yeah question papers should be solved and question paper solving is actually very important how to prepare a timetable guys actually whatever I’m saying is uh actually you can add them in your timetable how to prepare timetable we have videos on how to prepare timetable so you can just check those videos also okay so these are certain tricks which we should follow actually so there's one more uh trick actually after solving the paper try to check your own paper so that you get to know where you're exactly making mistakes okay so where exactly are you making mistake.

 You will get to know so check your own paper actually please give some prayer tips for maths okay for math you should get the logic is actually very important okay if you get the logic you get the sum okay get the logic get your logic's perfect okay uh don't try to buy heart the formulas never try to by heart the formulas try to understand the formulas try to look behind the logic and keep on repeating this term that logic execute test okay um mostly um we won't uh comment on the mcq test because we actually don't know but uh there are sample papers given by the boards so you can follow that sample papers or you can follow the papers given by let's do to you okay let's move to the second point this is actually a very important point is this is about being confident okay if you are confident if you have the confidence in you if you believe that you can do something you can definitely achieve.


It this is what is important you should be confident in yourself if you believe that you want to score or you can score 95 of course you can be confident guys because that's a very important tip which you should follow for each and every subject okay guys for each and every subject i will suggest you get the logic perfect you should know what is the application you should know what is actually the reason why you're studying that particular thing why is that particular topic important you should try to understand that thing and that will make starting more fun trust me you will improve if you have confidence in you will improve if you're listening to music if you're studying if you're keeping your mind relaxed if you're having confidence uh if you're having the concentration power do meditate how many hours to sleep okay so there's a question how many hours to sleep get a sufficient amount of time or a sufficient sleep i would say so uh the amount of sleep for each and every one actually differs for me sufficient amount of time is actually six hours because um i um don't sleep actually a lot of time and that is actually very bad but as it's your board you should get sufficient amount of sleep because sleep is actually somewhere directly related to your concentration power also okay how to study for subjects you hate and feel sleepy whenever you start studying the subject so there's a very important question in the chat box how to study for the subjects you eat and  feel sleepy whenever you study uh so uh for this uh actually.

 I have a uh suggestion that avoid reading or studying on your bed okay so if you study on your bed you will definitely uh feel sleepy okay so avoid starting on bed try to sit on a table uh try to keep the area lighted actually uh keeps keep lights on don't keep the area dim so that will uh help you how to avoid laziness okay so how to avoid laziness is actually a very nice question uh we have videos we have a lot of videos guys actually you should follow our channel you should go and check uh a lot of videos on our channel and there are some of the videos which will actually help you so there's a video on how to um stop uh feeling sleepy uh or how to not feel sleepy while you're studying how to um not feel lazy while you're studying how to uh be consistent of course how to be consistent there is actually determination so you should be determined you should be like i want to do this.

 I want to score 95 percent in my bones that should be the uh determination that should be your aim actually okay of course that's not the aim your aim should be to learn properly to gain more knowledge but of course we are giving board exams so we will have a priority to score better so that should be your ultimate aim that i want to do this in life i want to achieve this thing be confident have confidence within you how many hours should one study and sleep okay so this question I have already answered how to avoid feeling sleepy while starting okay so uh but how can you  there was a question.

 Board exam preparation

I just missed it okay uh okay I just missed the questions actually there's a lot of question in the chat box that's amazing there's a lot of views also actually so how many hours should we study and how many hours should we sleep yeah exactly this was the question which I missed uh so how many hours should you sleep is actually subjective you can sleep for a sufficient amount of time that is seven hours to eight hours this is a sufficient amount of time which you should sleep for but of course try waking up early also try going uh early to sleep and wake up early and try reading and um uh start learning early or maybe early in the morning math is very hard for you don't worry math is actually very easy if you get the logic math is actually very easy how to study math effectively get the logic guys logic is very important.

 I’ll just spam it in the chat box also logic is actually very important if you know what does um area of um cylinder means or what is the logic behind circumference area of cylinder total surface area of cylinder occurs surface area of cylinder or what do you mean by slope of a line you get the logic you get the formulas you get math in a very easy way how to study for science there are a lot of videos on our channel you can just uh there uh is a channel on our um we have a channel uh in which we science you can just follow that channel and you will actually enjoy studying science okay so that's actually very important related to physics also uh do solve numerical uh in physics try to get the concepts what are the various laws actually and that will be very helpful okay and how to study for chemistry effectively chemistry is actually um a favorite thing of mine um you should practice writing the equations try writing the equation you will just say why should we write and study of course do uh try writing the chemical equations five times and that will really help you try writing the equations chemical equations try writing the chemical equations it will definitely help you how to revise math okay so for math revision you should you should just polish your uh formulas actually okay uh try solving math every day try solving math every day that will really help you to understand what are the various type of questions which will uh which can come what are the various type of um questions or maybe what are the um what I can say about math uh what are the various questions actually there are they actually follow a similar type or a pattern of questions which you can actually follow how to study for social studies okay so um actually that's a very tricky question because even I don't like social studies okay so.

 I’ll be definitely be honest with you guys but uh yeah you should just make a map uh tree diagrams for social studies okay for history and geography try making tea diagrams that will definitely help you okay so that there's actually a lot of question in the chat box but that's actually not possible to answer all those questions it's happy I’m happy that you're asking such questions and that's actually very important questions but uh be tuned to our channels all your questions will be answered guys don't worry about them okay so uh here I’ll end this live session it was a great session guys with you guys okay uh we will definitely try to answer all those questions we will try to see what we can do related to all those questions which you have asked in the chat box so we will try to answer them but for now I’ll make a move guys okay bye sir okay bye yeah okay so I’ll just end this session okay uh there are certain questions actually i haven't started my math uh can you give some tips okay guys uh please look at the video you will definitely understand okay so bye guys I’m ending the session okay bye have a nice day guys keep learning.